Mount exfat with read write access
Fixing always portrait apps in Huawei Tablet (Harmony OS)
Enable x265 (HEVC) hardware decoding in Raspberry Pi 4
Solving "Invalid JWT: Token must be a short-lived token" error while using firebase realtime db on WSL
Solving "Error: TRIGGER_PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE: This request would cause a function payload exceeding the maximum size allowed" in firebase realtime db
Fixing mongodb start error code 14/n/a
Sqlite3 over network shared drive and database getting locked error
Fresh Debian install and username not in sudoers file
SSH password connection rejected after OpenMediaVault install
Weird WSL 2 gotchas - systemd, ssh server, directory permissions, space compaction etc
Changing default port and host of Resilio Sync
Make bootable flash drive from mac for ISO files
Resolve apt update problem on raspberry pi: "This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository..."
Mongodb on linux: Resolving No route to host problem
Some useful bash commands to find large files and directories
My starter templates for web development (Bulma, vue, firebase, parse, back4app)
How to clean up space in disk on Arch Linux (manjaro)
Find group telegram chat ID for your telegram bot (easy way)
Problems with Github Copilot and Visual Studio Code OSS release
Solving DBeaver starting problem requiring later version of JVM on Arch Linux #manjaro
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