My small vim and tmux flow cheatsheet
I know that there are way too many vim and tmux cheatsheets out there. I want to share mine with a little timeline touch. It tries to capture frequent keys during my whole dev session. Any recommendation is welcome.
PS: I assume you have NERDTree plugin installed in vim.
- ctrl+alt+t => Open terminal
- tmux new => Create tmux session
- ctrl + b “ => Split pane horizontally
- ctrl + b % => Split pane vertically
- ctrl + b d => Detach
- ctrl + b $ => Rename session
- ctrl + b ctrl + right arrow => resize split
- ctrl + b [ => Scroll up in tmux pane output
- q => Quit from scrolling mode
- tmux a -t named_session => Continue tmux session
- vim .
- t => open in new tab
- gt => cycle tabs
- $ => End of line
- r => replace in place
- hjkl
- gt => Cycle tabs
- ctrl + w w => Switch splits
- gg => scroll top
- shift + g => scroll end
- 0 => Begining of the line
- u => undo
- ctrl r => Redo
- ctrl % => Matching paren
- gd => Go to local definition
- g* => Go to the matching word
- a => Insert from the next letter
- \s => Save workspace
- gt => cycle tabs
- s => Open in new split
- ctrl+w w=>Switch splits
- m => NerdTree system menu
- a => a childnode
- t => open in new tab
- ctrl + b n => Cycle windows
- vim .
- tmux new => Create tmux session
Here is my pretty messy experimental .vimrc: