• SQLite
    • dump a table as csv:

      • sqlite3 -header -csv mydb.db "select * from my_table;" > monthly.csv
    • See the schema

    * cat .schema | sqlite3 mydb.db
    • Redirect output to txt file from sqlite cli.
    * $ sqlite3 mydb.db
      * `.output my.txt`
      * `select * from my_table;`
      * OR just dump the whole db
      	* `$ sqlite3 mydb.db`
          * `.output my.txt`
      	* `.dump`
  • Bash - check if a command is installed in the machine:
command_exists ()
  type "$1" &> /dev/null ;

# Install csvtojson if not exists.
if command_exists csvtojson ; then
  echo "csvtojson exists"
  echo "Installing csvtojson"
  sudo npm install -g csvtojson
  • Python multi threading: Pass parameters to the thread
import threading

def F():
	threading.Thread(target=Foo, args=(my_param,)).start()

def Foo(my_param):
	print 'This is a long running process'
  • Jekyll multiline code blocks for github pages (kramdown):


