Flat Montreal is Flat - October, 2015

  • I read a lot of blog posts, RSS feeds, watch too many videos, solve too many big/little problem during the week. So instead of keeping them in my Keep; I decided to put small snippets here so that I can find them again easily and also maybe some other people can see it. I don’t know if I can write this every week. However, I’m a huge fan of HighScalability’s “Stuff the internet says on scalability” series. I’d like to do something like that. Since I’m not a master like them, mine will be a lot simpler, less sophisticated of course. I will also try to put some photos that I take on the way of being smartphone photographer :P

  • Write ahead logging https://www.sqlite.org/wal.html

  • A cool site: http://foundmagazine.com/

  • Another addictive game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ketchapp.stack

  • Google’s cute programming memories: https://bar.foo/

  • [web.py] CSRF decorator is not complaint with app processors. POST methods are problematic can not be found. Just use function call at the top of the POST request instead of fancy decorator.

  • Crazy C guy: John Regehr http://blog.regehr.org/ UB: Undefined behaviour, usually used for C code.

  • Nasa uses 15 digits of PI: http://kottke.org/16/03/how-many-digits-of-pi-does-nasa-use aka double precision float

  • Yet another crawler: http://crawly.diffbot.com/ 14 days free trial meh. Missing kimonolabs :/

  • Google BinDiff free binary difference tool: https://security.googleblog.com/2016/03/bindiff-now-available-for-free.html

  • 10M Concurrent Websockets: http://goroutines.com/10m

  • site design inspirations: http://freshdesign.io/

  • Use regular expression selectors with jquery: $(“div[id^=’abc’]”)

  • Watch the trailer of hardcore Henry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JVgQzBG5Ho

  • Dropbox link to image directly in case you use it as a CDN (relative to public folder): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/USER_ID/PATH/TO/FILENAME.jpg

  • Discovered this pretty awesome tool: http://surge.sh/ I’m still not sure why I should ditch github-pages for static site publishing which works well with custom domains and cloudflare. But definitely worth a shot. And of course there is firebase solution as well.

  • James Gosling talks about the importance about JVM concept and explains why he doesn’t care about Java as a programming language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JluAg5ylgWE

  • Found this awesome tool for administrating SQLite over web UI, put it in your VPS and bam you have a full fledged database backed by sqlite. I have been reading a lot about sqlite. I think I’m going to battle test it in my next project. I used it with static programs which were processing some data. It was easily handling 10GB of data, runnining queries fast etc. Let’s see if it performs well on a low traffic website as a client-server database. Anyways, I will write more about sqlite in the future. https://www.phpliteadmin.org/

  • Good design is good: https://minimill.co/worldaftercapital/