A basic post for describing the usage of QDom. RIP Delorean :-0

I’m writing this for myself in fact. Because in the beginning of every project i forget how to do these.

Btw, in my opinion QDom is better than original Dom:)

Little tip: For platform independency, in Qt programs you can write the whole file path with ‘/’ char. Qt replaces it with system’s seperator. If you are compiling the code in Windows, it will be replaced with ‘' and in Linux, it will stay same.

Xml Reading

void Util::xmlReader()
    QDomDocument doc("Root");
//here is my xml file. it is in the project.
    QString sFilePath("dene1.xml");
    QFile file( sFilePath );
//Read the file first
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
    if (!doc.setContent(&file))
//Transforming QString to C's string is a little costly
        printf("File not found : %s\n", sFilePath.toStdString().c_str() );

    QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement();

    QDomNode n = docElem.firstChild();
    while(!n.isNull()) {
        QDomElement e = n.toElement();
        if(!e.isNull()) {
            cout << "tag  : " << e.tagName().toStdString() << endl;
            cout << "value: " << e.text().toStdString() << endl;
        n = n.nextSibling();//don't forget this is important!


Xml Writing

void Util::xmlWriter()
    QDomDocument doc("Root");
    QDomElement root = doc.createElement("Root");

    QDomElement tag = doc.createElement("Child");//Directly creates an element

    QDomText t = doc.createTextNode("Hello World");//Content of element

    QString xml = doc.toString();
    qDebug() << "xml : " << xml << endl;



Writing File to Disk

bool Util::xmlWriteFileToDisk(QString par_sFilePath, QDomDocument par_qXmlDoc)
    QFile dosya( par_sFilePath );

    if (dosya.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate))
        QTextStream out(&dosya);
        out << par_qXmlDoc.toByteArray(6);
        return true;
        return false;

</code> Cheerios